
Heyo, Welcome to my Channel!

Welcome to my blog! I figured my first post should be about me and what I hope to do with this blog. As a Strategic Communication major and Public and Professional Writing minor, I'm always studying new communication tools and I love to write, soooo why don't I start a blog - right?! This blog is going to be a place where I write out anything relating to my life. For example, I just finished the Whole30 and I have tons of recipes I want to share with the world. I'm a college student, so I'd love to write about the everyday struggles and blessings of that. I love to travel, I love to EAT!, I love discovering new and old music, and I want this blog to be an outlet of expression for all of those things! Another topic I will most likely be writing frequently about is the thing I am most passionate about: ocean conservation. It is my dream to have a career that, for lack of a better explanation, cleans the ocean. Whether that is talking to world leaders about the dange