Heyo, Welcome to my Channel!

Welcome to my blog!

I figured my first post should be about me and what I hope to do with this blog. As a Strategic Communication major and Public and Professional Writing minor, I'm always studying new communication tools and I love to write, soooo why don't I start a blog - right?!

This blog is going to be a place where I write out anything relating to my life. For example, I just finished the Whole30 and I have tons of recipes I want to share with the world. I'm a college student, so I'd love to write about the everyday struggles and blessings of that. I love to travel, I love to EAT!, I love discovering new and old music, and I want this blog to be an outlet of expression for all of those things!

Another topic I will most likely be writing frequently about is the thing I am most passionate about: ocean conservation. It is my dream to have a career that, for lack of a better explanation, cleans the ocean. Whether that is talking to world leaders about the dangerous effects of pollution and plastics, planning clean up events at local beaches and coasts, or writing about it, I plan to do it!

So, if any of that interests you, check out this blog!

-the blonde blogger